Sunday, January 15, 2012

First Day of Classes: 5 Tips

What should one expect if they are attending the first day of a college class? What typically goes on? Here are five tips to make it through your first day of classes.

1. Print your schedule and a map to ensure you will make it to all classes on time. If you are really nervous or unsure of the location, the week prior take a walk through campus and learn where your classes will be, and look inside the classrooms.

2. As everyone takes their seats it is typically quiet if people don't know one another. This is the most uncomfortable part of the semester as everyone watches others coming in and taking their seats too. You will notice if people know one another, they may sit together. It depends if you have a preference for where you like to sit, but typically where people sit is where they likely continue to sit for the remainder of the semester. Make sure your phone is on silent or turned off too.

3. Bring a drink if you like, but I would encourage having a bottle of water or a sealed drink, I love tea. Some teachers insist on no drinks allowed, or in computer labs it is usually forbidden. I would recommend not bringing any snacks to class either. As you open the package it will make noise distracting others around you, and while you chew. It smells good and is kind of rude. I would recommend between classes or on breaks to eat snacks, I love nutrigrain bars as a snack. Also never bring alcohol, some campuses have policies banning it with very negative consequences.

4. As the teacher begins, they will announce what the class is and take attendance. This is usually the time that you will correct the teacher's pronunciation of your name or let them know of a different name you prefer to be called. If you are not on the list, make sure you let the teacher know so you can get credit for being there. Sometimes they print the class roster early or there is a mix-up with registration. They will usually follow up with distributing copies of the class syllabus, schedule, and class rules and explaining things. If you have any questions about contact methods, projects, or rules be sure to ask!

5. Be prepared with paper for taking notes. I bring a binder with loose leaf paper for taking notes the first day because typically professors will begin to lecture the first day. Bring a pen and pencil too, some teachers will ask you to fill out emergency papers. This is just a precaution if there is a system failure with the school's technology. One time our school email system failed, so she alerted us with our private email accounts. Another teacher asked for a phone number that she could text or call if something came up and class was canceled.

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