Full time is usually defined as 12-18 credit hours being taken every semester, giving some advantages and disadvantages to students. Some include finishing your program and getting your certification or degree sooner. You will sacrifice some personal time and put that into your education; however you will be able to get a better job that much sooner as well. You will also learn more as you take more classes, potentially getting to know classmates and having the option of study groups. It depends on your situation and school; however there is the possibility of receiving more financial aid. The school I attend offers incentives for full time students. Some schools also give full time students priority in registering for classes, making it easier to take classes needed for completion.
Part time is typically between 6-11 credit hours a semester. There are distinct benefits and drawbacks. Less time spent in classes or doing homework means more time for work or family. For students who have other priorities in life, there are some things that cannot be made up, such as lost time with children. You are however slowly plugging away at improving your life and future. Another downfall is taking longer to finish, leaving you struggling for longer time. There is another possibility of a lack of financial aid and priority of registration for classes. It depends upon everyone's specific situation and the school, however there is potential adversity when you seek financial aid or to register for classes.
There are many personal things to consider as well when deciding how much school to take on. If you are unsure of what you want to do, maybe taking a few classes in different fields will help you decide. When I graduated from high school I decided that I wanted to attend college, however I had too much adversity in my way to attend full time with finances, living situation. Despite the hardships, I am about to complete my degree. Anyone can do this with some determination.
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