Everyone has lacked motivation to get their homework completed or to study for a test at some point. As my list of things to complete grows, my motivation usually shrinks.

Set goals that you can complete. You should have some short term and long term goals. A semester project should be broken into pieces that can be completed. Your list of homework for the weekend can be broken down also, devote a few hours every day until it’s complete. The most important part of setting these goals is to write them down. It makes it easier to complete when they are in black and white.
Reward yourself for completing goals. One friend told me that every 5 minutes of solid studying she completes, she allows herself an M&M. She said if she finds herself checking her Facebook, she has to start the timer over. A pack can last her hours if she is procrastinating! Make the rewards worth the effort put forth, such as a girl’s night out after midterm exams. If you have failed your goal, don't reward your failure. Take a deep breath and try again.
Just start working on what you need to complete. Even if you initially begin working for a half hour, it got you closer to your goal. There is no easy way to get past this part, it’s just hard work. Turn off your TV, music, and your phone if you need to concentrate. You can survive a half hour without a phone, because any texts you receive will be there when it gets turned back on. Anyone important that called will leave a voice mail.
Avoid prostration, because it will only stress you out more. It’s easier to sleep at night when you know you did your best for the day and you completed a goal. I hate when I procrastinate because then I have double the work load the next day.
Study with friends so you can have a specific time set aside. Even if you meet at the library, you are going there with purpose and it makes it easier to get things done so you can have fun afterwards. I find looking at stacks of books boring too, making it easier to focus on what I need to complete.
Set goals that you can complete. You should have some short term and long term goals. A semester project should be broken into pieces that can be completed. Your list of homework for the weekend can be broken down also, devote a few hours every day until it’s complete. The most important part of setting these goals is to write them down. It makes it easier to complete when they are in black and white.
Reward yourself for completing goals. One friend told me that every 5 minutes of solid studying she completes, she allows herself an M&M. She said if she finds herself checking her Facebook, she has to start the timer over. A pack can last her hours if she is procrastinating! Make the rewards worth the effort put forth, such as a girl’s night out after midterm exams. If you have failed your goal, don't reward your failure. Take a deep breath and try again.
Just start working on what you need to complete. Even if you initially begin working for a half hour, it got you closer to your goal. There is no easy way to get past this part, it’s just hard work. Turn off your TV, music, and your phone if you need to concentrate. You can survive a half hour without a phone, because any texts you receive will be there when it gets turned back on. Anyone important that called will leave a voice mail.
Avoid prostration, because it will only stress you out more. It’s easier to sleep at night when you know you did your best for the day and you completed a goal. I hate when I procrastinate because then I have double the work load the next day.
Study with friends so you can have a specific time set aside. Even if you meet at the library, you are going there with purpose and it makes it easier to get things done so you can have fun afterwards. I find looking at stacks of books boring too, making it easier to focus on what I need to complete.