Saturday, December 24, 2011

Interested in Occupational Therapy?

So do you want to become a therapist? An occupational therapist will help clients have independent, productive, and satisfying lives by helping people with a wide range of disabilities improve their daily living and work skills. The field of occupational therapists is growing; predictions are it will increase by 26% in the next 7 years. The median income is over $66,000. If you are a people-type person with good communication skills and patience to spare, keep reading to find out how to become an occupational therapist.

An occupational therapist will customize a set of exercises for a client according to their needs, determined in a meeting with the client and their family and friends, the people who know the client the best. Clients can vary, but can include children and youth, people with mental health issues, aging adults, and people with disabilities or work injuries seeking to rehabilitate themselves. Exercises can vary from improving eye-hand coordination, improving memory or decision making, or even daily tasks such as dressing and eating. An occupational therapist can work in schools, hospitals, client's homes, or a therapy facility and typically work full time. Therapy has goals, but they can be changing and altering. As a client improves, their goals are raised or the focus can shift.

How can one become a therapist? It does require a master's degree, but you will learn so much through related areas. In order to sit for the national certifying exam, one must attend an academic program accredited by the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE). Schools also can offer financial aid options as well to off-set the cost of schooling. Even after completing all of the schooling, and being certified, one has to constantly stay informed. The medical field is always changing with improvements in technology and knowledge every day. Some of these changes could help an occupational therapist as they are assisting their clients in attaining strengths. As the client meets their goals, it is satisfying knowing how much you improved someone's life.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Chosing a Career

With all of the careers out there, you want to choose one that will leave you feeling satisfied at the end of every work day. How do you choose one? The tip that I received from a counselor in high school was to take classes in things that interest me in college. After a year of an undeclared major, I choose Communications. I really enjoy understanding more about people, which lead to my minor of Sociology. For me this took a little while, and I know that I want to work one day in nonprofit helping people.

Choosing a career or school isn't as easy for some. My friend Andrea had a reverse experience; she knew the exact career she wanted, Forensic Psychology. She wants to understand what type of person could commit horrific crimes and why. Her problem was finding the right school. She carefully considered some of the top online colleges, but she eventually settled on her bachelor’s degree at Saginaw Valley State University. She is about to start her last semester. When she graduates, she has a plan in place to move somewhere where she begin working in the field, but will attend graduate school, and possibly keep going until she receives a doctorate's degree.

How do you choose a career? How do you know what is right? Everyone needs to do what is best for them. Reflect on your interests and activities. If there is something that interests you, do your own research into a possibility of a career. Ask questions; see if you can get information from a person or organization. If they don't know, see if they have suggestions where you could go to get more information. See if there is an opportunity to overshadow for a day at a company, or even intern for time period. 

Remember that there is no wrong way in life. Life is lots of trials and errors or successes. If you determine you are no longer interested in a career, then change up your plan. My favorite teacher told me that she changed her major three times before settling on Communications and it's the best decision she made. I always think of how Edison invented so many versions of the light bulb that did not work before he was successful. Determination is what will lead you down the right path in life.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Things to Do During Winter Break

Its week finals for me, and I'm so relieved that I have nearly finished one more semester. While homework, studying, and attending classes is not consuming all of my time, I'll have the opportunity to do things I haven't done in the last four months. Here is a list of my favorite things to do during winter break:

  • Visit family I haven't seen much of lately. For me this includes family that lives about an hour away. I made a date with them for next week.
  • Enjoy holiday activities. This includes finishing decorating for Christmas, making Christmas cookies, drinking egg nog, listening to Christmas music, wrapping presents, and playing board games with my cousins in our pajamas.
  • Catch up with my DVR. There are some shows I was interested in earlier this fall, I set the recordings and haven't had time to watch.
  • Go to the movies with friends. Something about sitting inside the theater with a tub of popcorn and a cup of Pepsi next to me gets me excited.
  • Enjoy painting again. I like to paint with acrylics on canvas and try to recreate paintings I saw in a store and took a picture of. My attempts turn out far from what I was aiming for, but I enjoy the process.
  • Read some books. I have a list of books that I have come across throughout the last four months while I was in school and didn't have time to try reading. I'll be stopping at the library to pick up a few soon.
  • Work on finding scholarships and grants. I started a search already and found grants for women that sound promising.
  • Get ready for next semester. This includes cleaning out my bag, my pencil pouch and tossing pens that have ran out of ink. I have a favorite pen I'll try to replace the ink cartridge.
  • I hope to check out the traveling museum exhibit. I like history, and the King Tut exhibit is in the area.
  • Enjoy the time to relax. I only have 3 weeks off before the next semester starts and the time off will seem to fly by.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

How To Give an Effective Presentation

Its nearly the end of the semester. Everyone is preparing for presentations and final exams, even those working towards becoming a business administrator. Even the most confidant people have a difficult time preparing for a presentation. The most important tip is that preperation is the key!
  • Use index cards to take notes and reherse your speech. You'd like to sound professional however not too overrehersed. Using only notes will help you to sound improvised so you don't sound like a recording.
  • Powerpoints are helpful. Include pictures, charts, or graphs. Using headlines with a few of the key points is also a great method.
  • Don't stare at your notes or powerpoint. Allow yourself to look around the room and let your eyes make contact with a few people, including the instructor.
  • Dress the part! Some are required to be dressed up as a business presentation, other professors allow you to be casual. I would recomend dressing up regardless. It doesn't have to be a suit, but nice dress pants, shoes, and a button down shirt help me to mentally visualize myself as being successful. I also make sure to have my hair and makeup looking professional and sleek.
  • Drink plenty of water the day before, you'll want to appear hydrated.
  • Get a good night's rest. You want to look well rested and confidant.
  • Eat the right foods. You'll want to avoid salty food the day before to prevent bloating. Eat plenty of veggies & fruit to help maintain your health. Have a serving of fish to keep your brain sharp too.
  • Focus on your breathing. While waiting to present or speak, take a moment to close your eyes and focus on calming your breathing down while mentally picturing everyone applauding your successful presentation.
  • Think positive and smile, it makes you more personable, retaining the audience's attention.
  • Remember to slow down if you begin to rush, this isn't a race to the end, its a proccess. Take a deep breath and collect your thoughts. A momentary pause is ok, the audience needs a time to process what you had just said.
  • Don't forget to answer questions. If someone intrurupts you, either take a moment to answer it, or reply that you will address it durring the presentation or at the end.
  • Finally, learn from your mistakes. It helps you to be a better presenter for the next opportunity.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Tips for Homework

I have been attending college for a few years now. I selected the right option for me, attending classes on a campus. For other's maybe finding the best online college is a better choice for them. No matter your selection, you'll have homework. Here are some tips from a current college student to help you with your homework.
  1. Priortize what is due first. Break down large projects into manageable portions, having weekly goals.
  2. Ask questions in class, through email, or phone calls. Don't be afraid to speak with your instructor. They want to see you succeed!
  3. Talk with fellow students. If there is a chat room for talking with your classmates, use it! My school offers resources online for each individual class. There is an option to have a chat with students. I try to strike up a conversation with other students by posting a video that relates to the class, makes a joke about the material, or even our shared culture. Once a conversation has begun, it allows for an open feeling to ask fellow students questions or share tips about homework. Offer a study group with fellow classmates, exchange contact information and arrange a time to meet, preferably around caffeine. Exchange Facebook or Skype information for chatting possibilities. For shy people it takes courage to speak up and attempt to befriend classmates, but it is worth it in the end. Think of it as a part of growing and learning about yourself, another goal of school.
  4. Use your preferred search engine as a starting point. Sometimes I can get lucky and read where their information came from, guiding me to a reliable source. Other times it will offer me further ideas to develop and expand my topic.
  5. Utilize a library as a resource. If doing research, the library is the first place to begin. Direct your questions to the reference desk; they do this stuff every day. Explain what you are searching for and ask where you should begin. They can show you how to get started and guide you on where to find information both online and within the collections of books they hold.
  6. Use credible sources for resources. Be sure to cite where you got your information. Use a government website or a well-known organization. A university's website may offer credible resources as well.
  7. Proof reading a paper is important. For a small paper I read it out loud exactly as I have it wrote. For a paper three pages or longer I ask fellow classmates to take a look at it, or a friend. The more people you ask for help, the better your paper will get. When I believe it is almost complete, I ask the teacher to take a look at it. If you have the luxury of a free writing center online or on campus, use it!
  8. Celebrate your successes. Every part you have done will build upon another, but take a moment to admire your work and congratulate yourself. 

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Tips for Signing Up for Classes

If you are attending an accredited college, you will need to register for classes. How exactly do you choose what classes to take and when to take them?

  • Scheduling is key! Attending a campus for classes takes some finesse with scheduling around your life. If taking classes online, you should check if there is a class schedule. For instance, in a class I took online, she required at a specific time every week for everyone to log in and chat about the readings. It really varies depending on the school of your selection.
  • Register early! Check with your school when your earliest registration time is, some schools give preference to those with the most credits. Have your potential classes written down, along with a backup in the event that any are full.
  • Use your sleeping preference. If you are a morning bird then take classes in the morning or early afternoon. If you are a night owl, take classes in the late afternoon or evening.
  • Balance your courses. Chose ones that are easy and hard. Ask fellow students who their favorite professors are. When taking courses for your major, try to take a favorite professor for a few semesters, they can provide a great reference later. You'll also get to know their testing style making studying easier. If attending on-campus classes, see if any are available online as well.
  • Chose a variety of classes. I would recommend if you are just starting, take one class each semester counting towards your major, minor, and general education requirements. Remember it is a process you will continually chip away until you receive that degree.
  • Take an internship near the end. Even if not required, it will provide you with valuable experience and could be the potential foot in the door to that company. Talk to your advisor or a professor about independent study. If possible, inquire about using work study financial aid at a non-profit organization, this would essentially allow you to complete your internship while getting a small pay check.  
Remember to use your resources! No matter what school you attend, they have someone to answer your questions and guide you in the right direction.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Want to be a Pharmacy Technician? Here’s How

Being a pharmacy technician is really enjoying the best of both worlds. On the one hand you get to interact with patients but on the other, responsibilities that go with informing patients about what medicines work with each other, their side effects and other general cautions are outside of your purview. Can it get any better? Having just completed a few courses from one of the top rated online colleges with a bunch of weird scholarships, I figured it was time to straighten up and fly right!

The pharmacy technician salary, according to the US Department of Labor statistics is upwards of $60,000 in most metropolitan areas. For this reason alone, no self-respecting organization however small, hires pharmacy technicians who do not have formal pharmacy technician training. Considering that, a growth of 31% is expected for pharmacy technician jobs; this is a smart career choice - especially given the aging population of baby boomers and increased need for medication along with the people that dispense it. Also given peoples increased life expectancy these days, it is no wonder that a tremendous increase in this job sector will be seen. 

Pharmacy technician training is being accomplished increasingly through online courses. Online programs are designed to allow for the working individual to pursue training without one’s income being affected. Most online courses take only 12 months while the course for a certified pharmacist can take as long as 6 years. The coursework that one will undertake in online classes are very similar to those taken in campuses. The other consideration is that one can go at one’s own pace. Especially if you are employed in a related field, there may be subjects that allow you to breeze through the course-work. For other courses that are not in one’s comfort zone, a longer period may be required; so online courses can be customized to fit an individual’s needs.

Coursework Requirements for Online Pharmacy Technician Programs: Remember that you are not alone just because it is an online course. Most good schools will have available, professors that are available over the phone or online for questions and guidance. Online pharmacy technician programs are divided into sections referred to as modules. Electronic tests are provided which measure one’s mastery of a module. The modules are Anatomy and Physiology – a core course for any healthcare program; Pharmaceutical Calculations and Measurements, intended to instruct students in the correct dispensing of medication; Poison/Drug Emergencies; Medical Terminology and Label and Prescription Information. 

After the online course, pharmacy technicians should pass a licensing exam called the pharmacy technician certification examination. The PTCE will set you up on the road to becoming a pharmacy technician with a reliable pharmacy. Once the training is complete, the sky is the limit as pharmacy technicians are an integral part of the prescription medication industry and considering that the demand is greater than the number of candidates, finding an opportunity in this field will be a breeze for a well equipped candidate.
The truth of the matter is, no matter what economy we are in and no matter who is being bailed out by the government, the sick, the old, and the infirm are always going to need medication. Who is better than a pharmacy technician to provide this?

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Best online MBA programs

An MBA degree can enhance virtually any training one has as employers look for candidates whose skill sets go beyond just their technical expertise. Holding down a 9-to-5 job and pursuing a degree in a brick and mortar campus is seldom practical. Online MBA programs offer degrees at your own pace from the comfort of your couch. Finding the best online MBA programs 2012, is based on not just name recognition but a whole slew of tangible factors that go into determining the ranking of a program. The most important factor to make the top ranked online MBA programs is that the schools offer more than half their campus MBA options to online candidates demonstrating that online learning is a priority.
While several universities have jumped on the distance learning bandwagon, the jury is still out as to which ones are in it for the right reasons. Distance education is certainly where the future is headed and universities are well aware that a potential student could be having his lessons streamed into an igluvigak in Anchorage! That said; some universities have stepped into these untested waters in the fear that they might be left behind.
The other criteria that went into determining this list were scores required for acceptance, graduation rates, financial aid and most importantly retention rates. Surveys from graduates of these programs were another tool used to compile this list.
1.      University of Phoenix
2.      American Intercontinental University
3.      Post University
4.      Florida Tech University online
5.      Kaplan University
6.      Walden University
7.      South University online
8.      Grand Canyon University
9.      Ashford University
10.  Everest University
Besides the rankings alone, considering the individual concentrations of these programs is essential to tailoring your education to your specific needs. While not having to relocate for the perfect program is a plus, every MBA program is not created equal. So find one that offers everything on your list without undermining the importance of a support net; be it professors or classmates. It can really mean the difference between success and failure.