Saturday, November 19, 2011

Tips for Signing Up for Classes

If you are attending an accredited college, you will need to register for classes. How exactly do you choose what classes to take and when to take them?

  • Scheduling is key! Attending a campus for classes takes some finesse with scheduling around your life. If taking classes online, you should check if there is a class schedule. For instance, in a class I took online, she required at a specific time every week for everyone to log in and chat about the readings. It really varies depending on the school of your selection.
  • Register early! Check with your school when your earliest registration time is, some schools give preference to those with the most credits. Have your potential classes written down, along with a backup in the event that any are full.
  • Use your sleeping preference. If you are a morning bird then take classes in the morning or early afternoon. If you are a night owl, take classes in the late afternoon or evening.
  • Balance your courses. Chose ones that are easy and hard. Ask fellow students who their favorite professors are. When taking courses for your major, try to take a favorite professor for a few semesters, they can provide a great reference later. You'll also get to know their testing style making studying easier. If attending on-campus classes, see if any are available online as well.
  • Chose a variety of classes. I would recommend if you are just starting, take one class each semester counting towards your major, minor, and general education requirements. Remember it is a process you will continually chip away until you receive that degree.
  • Take an internship near the end. Even if not required, it will provide you with valuable experience and could be the potential foot in the door to that company. Talk to your advisor or a professor about independent study. If possible, inquire about using work study financial aid at a non-profit organization, this would essentially allow you to complete your internship while getting a small pay check.  
Remember to use your resources! No matter what school you attend, they have someone to answer your questions and guide you in the right direction.

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