There are many different techniques to study; it depends upon everyone's unique habits. Here are some ideas that friends have shared with me:
- Some people need minor distractions in order to study. One friend told me she loves sitting at the Starbucks in the middle of campus because the white noise of music and people having conversations helps her to concentrate. She said she will re-read through the book first, then her class notes before a test.
- Music can be a great tool to help tune out noise. Some people enjoy listening to pop music on their iPod while others like playing a classical music CD to help drown out noise around them.
- Sometimes location can play an important role in studying. I like to drive to campus and go up to the top floor of the library. I go there with the purpose of studying and make sure that I have plans afterwards. Putting pressure on myself with time constraints helps to make me more efficient.
- Using color can help some people to study. If the teacher provides a study guide, I will retype it allowing space to write in the answers or notes. I have a collection of different colored pens that I use; using a different color for every answer.
Turn off distractions, like your cell phone. Sometimes it is too tempting to answer that call or text, so it is better to be shut totally off, not just left on silent. For me, I also have a hard time studying with a computer near because I find myself checking my social networking sites.
- Announce your study time to others. I've noticed a few friends post on Facebook that if you see them signed on in the next two hours to scold them and tell them to get back to studying. Or hang a sign on your door that you are not to be disturbed while studying.
- Use flashcards if you are to memorize things, like definitions of terms. Go through them often, piling ones that are memorized in a separate pile. Before the exam, be sure to go over them all one more time.
- Remember to take breaks. This is the time to walk around and stretch, rehydrate, snack, and check your phone. I set the timer on my phone for 10 minutes after 30 minutes of solid studying. When the timer goes off, it’s time to shut the phone off again and get back to the books.
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