I have been attending college for a few years now. I selected the right option for me, attending classes on a campus. For other's maybe finding the best online college is a better choice for them. No matter your selection, you'll have homework. Here are some tips from a current college student to help you with your homework.
- Priortize what is due first. Break down large projects into manageable portions, having weekly goals.
- Ask questions in class, through email, or phone calls. Don't be afraid to speak with your instructor. They want to see you succeed!
- Talk with fellow students. If there is a chat room for talking with your classmates, use it! My school offers resources online for each individual class. There is an option to have a chat with students. I try to strike up a conversation with other students by posting a video that relates to the class, makes a joke about the material, or even our shared culture. Once a conversation has begun, it allows for an open feeling to ask fellow students questions or share tips about homework. Offer a study group with fellow classmates, exchange contact information and arrange a time to meet, preferably around caffeine. Exchange Facebook or Skype information for chatting possibilities. For shy people it takes courage to speak up and attempt to befriend classmates, but it is worth it in the end. Think of it as a part of growing and learning about yourself, another goal of school.
- Use your preferred search engine as a starting point. Sometimes I can get lucky and read where their information came from, guiding me to a reliable source. Other times it will offer me further ideas to develop and expand my topic.
- Utilize a library as a resource. If doing research, the library is the first place to begin. Direct your questions to the reference desk; they do this stuff every day. Explain what you are searching for and ask where you should begin. They can show you how to get started and guide you on where to find information both online and within the collections of books they hold.
- Use credible sources for resources. Be sure to cite where you got your information. Use a government website or a well-known organization. A university's website may offer credible resources as well.
- Proof reading a paper is important. For a small paper I read it out loud exactly as I have it wrote. For a paper three pages or longer I ask fellow classmates to take a look at it, or a friend. The more people you ask for help, the better your paper will get. When I believe it is almost complete, I ask the teacher to take a look at it. If you have the luxury of a free writing center online or on campus, use it!
- Celebrate your successes. Every part you have done will build upon another, but take a moment to admire your work and congratulate yourself.